Evelyne Wohlfarter | Tänzerin Choreografin Musik- und Tanzpädagogin

Musik- und Tanzpädagogin


Initiative for more Physical Diversity in Contemporary Dance

Together with Bernhard Richarz I run the initiative tanzfähig, which is located in Berlin and operates internationally.

It is our aim to bring more physical diversity to contemporary dance. The initiative is both educationally and artistically oriented. Developed from a melting pot of ideas and disciplines, tanzfähig strives to provide access to dance for all people, taking physical diversity into account.


into work and philosophy


Since January we work with five dancers on two dance pieces. dancedraft is a collection of pictures, texts and films, which focuses on the artistic side of the two different processes:

When the lilacs bloomed,... is a duett.

Our first production was triGespräch
a poetic dance piece. Its movement material provided the foundations for the second production, a video dance called triptychon.